The Power of Our Ancestors Knowledge

Jonas Nitsiza: Now I’m going to tell you the story. The story I’m telling is the story to all of the people. I was born and raised here since I was young. I have been with Elders, by boat and went with them on a hunting trip. I participated with these Elders, I have always been involved with where they gathered and watched how they talked and shared their knowledge. I worked with them since I was capable of working with them.

Our ancestor’s knowledge is very powerful, very strong. I held onto Elders’ stories and kept holding onto their knowledge so if I’m asked to share if I can. There’s so much of their knowledge that I’m holding. I don’t want to let go of it.

Today they say there’s so much change from us, we hear about it. We cannot let go of our ancestor’s knowledge. If we let it go, we will not know where to go, we will have no direction. I don’t want that to happen, so I tell these Elders’ stories to the Youth. This story is to last with us, we are supposed to seek it out and to listen. Now it has reversed, this cannot happen.

As of today, those who hear me should try to do what they can about our ancestors’ knowledge. If a person wants to know or learn about our ancestors’ knowledge they have to visit the Elders and ask them. They will not say, “No!”, they will be happy. We can survive and strive forward. As people, we hope to not lose our stories of our ancestors. When we look at it, it looks like our land is empty and alone. I hope it doesn’t happen. Whoever has heard me should follow how I took our ancestors' stories and kept them. I thank those who have listened. This is what I had to say.